viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010

Soy el héroe de la historia. No necesito que nadie me salve

En la voz de Regina Spektor la canción es de una tristeza honda..., la naturaleza del héroe, al menos de los héroes que cargan a cuestas el precio de la modernidad, es la tragedia, deben habitar y engrandecerse por medio de la tragedia, esperamos que lo hagan, esperamos que al hacerlo nos salven de nuestra propia falible naturaleza..., pero este Hero que en voz alta y femenina sólo atina a decir una y otra vez: I'm the hero of the story. Don't need to be saved, me deja profundamente triste, me hace pensar en un héroe que ha sido derrotado, pues si ha de afirmalo quizá sea porque lo duda...

Hero, Regina Spektor.

He never ever saw it coming at all

It's all right

Hey, open wide, here comes original sin

It's all right,

No one's got it all

Power to the people
We don't want it
We want pleasure
And the TVs try to rape us
And I guess that they're succeeding
Now we're going to these meetings
But we're not doing any meeting
And we're trying to be faithful
But we're cheating, cheating, cheating

Hey, open wide, here comes original sin

It's all right,

No one's got it all

Power to the people
We don't want it
We want pleasure
And the TVs try to rape us
And I guess that they're succeeding
And we're going to these meetings
But we're not doing any meeting
And we're trying to be faithful
But we're cheating, cheating, cheating

I'm the hero of the story
Don't need to be saved
I'm the hero of the story
Don't need to be saved
I'm the hero of the story
Don't need to be saved
I'm the hero of the story
Don't need to be saved

It's all right,

No one's got it all

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